Newborn Swaddling Guidelines for parents…learn more…
Thursday, 22nd April 2021
Swaddling may be defined as the practice of wrapping a blanket or a towel or soft cloth around a baby to make the baby feel comfortable and safe.
Swaddling is commonly believed to be an effective way of preventing the startle reflex in babies that often cause them to wake up all of a sudden. Parents, since time immemorial, have been using this method to make their little ones feel cozy. Many parents use this method to calm a fussy baby down or to help a baby sleep better and for a longer span of time. It must be kept in mind that newborn babies go through a major transition, learning hard to adjust to an environment that differs radically from that in their mother’s womb.
Swaddling, in a way, is an imitation of the warmth and comfort a baby used to get in his or her mother’s womb. Often after swaddling, a baby’s mood improves a lot possibly because he or she finds a similarity with the mother’s womb when swaddled.
When parents welcome a newborn into their lives, they are taught many things by the elders in the family including ‘swaddling’. But is swaddling safe for the baby? Are parents doing it the right way?
How to swaddle correctly?
Also Read: How to manage Children with Down syndrome? Learn the necessary tips...
Do’s & Don’ts of Swaddling
The News Talkie Bureau