History of Indian Constitution.

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Constitution of India.

The Indian Constitution is one of the most extensive legal instruments in the world. It is noteworthy for encompassing all minute details governing the Indian state, in addition to being the longest.

Tuesday, 1st June 2021

The Indian Constitution occupies a unique position in the country's history. This is due to the fact that it established a sovereign republic, which is now India. The Constitution's history provides some fascinating insights into the state of circumstances before to Independence. It took several years of dedicated effort to draught and enact our Constitution.

History of Indian Constitution.

The history of the Indian Constitution is fascinating since it shows how it came to be. It also discusses why India picked the modern-day Parliamentary system of democracy.

In the 17th century, the British came to India primarily for trading purposes. They eventually gained the ability to collect income and govern themselves after gradually gaining more power. They did so by enacting numerous laws, rules, and regulations.

The Governor General of Bengal was made the Governor General of India by the Charter Act of 1833. It also established a Central Legislature, effectively establishing the British as India's supreme rulers.

With the Government of India Act of 1858, the Company's rule came to an end. As a result, the British Crown ascended to the throne of India, which it governed through a government.

The Indian Councils Acts of 1861, 1892, and 1909 gave Indians representation in the Viceroy's councils for the first time. They also gave some provinces back their legislative rights. In other words, they agreed to decentralise power between the federal government and the provinces.

Also Read : Gateway of India.

The Government of India Act, 1919.

Legislative councils were established in all of the government's provinces as a result of this Act. To put it another way, the British established a bicameral government with separate central and regional governments. This was also the first time that people were able to directly elect their own representatives. This quasi-federal and bicameral form was later accepted by the Constitution

The Government of India Act, 1935.

This law's passage is one of the most significant moments in the Constitution's history. To begin, this law established a Federal List, a Provincial List, and a Concurrent List to divide governing powers. Such a distribution of powers between the central and state governments was even approved by the Indian Constitution.

Second, the provinces were given additional power in self-governance as a result of this Act. It even founded the Supreme Court of India, which we today refer to as the Federal Court

The Government of India Act, 1947

This Act is the last stage in the British withdrawal from India. After this Act, India became a completely independent and sovereign nation. The Act established both central and regional governments. It also established the Constituent Assembly's foundation.

Constituent Assembly.

Members of the provisional assemblies were elected to the Constituent Assembly in a roundabout way. This parliament, which assembled for the first time on December 9, 1946 in Delhi, acted as India's first "Parliament." Following independence, the Assembly elected Dr. Rajendra Prasad as Chairman and began the process of drafting the Constitution.

Dr. Ambedkar was appointed as the chairman of the Drafting Committee. This is why he is known as the Constitution's Father. The Assembly eventually passed the Constitution on November 26, 1949, after more than two years of deliberation. This is why this day is now known as Constitution Day.

The Constitution was finally accepted by the Assembly on January 26, 1950. That day, India formally became a sovereign republic. This is why India's Republic Day is observed on January 26th.

The News Talkie Bureau






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