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Guidelines from DiabetesIndia for the Covid patients who were on steroids

COVID-19 Patients on steroids: Important tips from DiabetesIndia

Monday, 21st June 2021

DiabetesIndia, the Indian Task Force created to carry out research on Diabetes has recently published an advisory for doctors regarding the multiple modes to tackle hyperglycemia or high levels of glucose/sugar in the blood in the COVID-19 infected patients through the use of steroids.


The advisory of DiabetesIndia was published in the journal titled Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research and Reviews. In the advisory details regarding "awareness on steroids and hyperglycemia, adverse outcomes of elevated blood glucose levels and the advice at the time of discharge" have been provided.


While discussing the steroids’ impact, the Diabetesindia advisory reads, "While it is lifesaving in several individuals with Covid-19 infection (from moderate to severe), its pharmacological action increases blood glucose and poses additional challenges in the management."


The advisory added, "There is also an ongoing concern on inappropriate timing, dosing, and duration of steroid use in COVID-19 among certain sections of the medical fraternity. Hence it is important to understand the risk-benefit ratio and learn how to manage rising blood glucose when steroids are used."

Also Read: The fatal condition of hypoxia associated with Covid-19.

Many diabetics have been struck by covid-19 but according to experts, uncontrolled and untamed diabetes juxtaposed with Covid-19 is one of the key reasons triggering the rise in the number of cases of black fungus. Dr. Randeep Guleria believes that there’s a connection between black fungus infections and the irrational usage of steroids.


Experts opine that the patients with diabetes who were infected with COVID-19 and received steroids as their treatment mode, saw a massive spike in their sugar levels soon afterward and some of them had to be administered oral anti-diabetic medications or insulin for a certain period of time.


What exactly is the role of steroids in causing a blood glucose spike?

  • Steroids increase the functioning and impact of the counter-regulatory hormones and cause a spike in hepatic gluconeogenesis or the making of glucose in the liver.
  • Steroid furthermore blocks the insulin activity and results in very high insulin resistance. These also result in a reduction in the usage of glucose/blood sugar by the adipose tissue and muscles along with a reduction in the activity of the Beta Cells.
  • As per the advisory, the blood sugar treatment is a must and should be done without delay in order to steer clear of complications and boost the rate of recovery.


Discharge-related and Post-discharge Guidelines

  • Diabetes management advice
  • Lifestyle and diet-related advice for life after discharge
  • Advice on Risks related to hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia
  • At-home blood sugar monitoring and dosage adjustment as per need
  • Self-injection technique related instructions for people
  • Effective foot care instructions for patients
  • Sufferers of stress-induced diabetes should keep on monitoring their blood glucose levels and seek a doctor’s help.


The News Talkie Bureau


TimesofIndia Indiatimes

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