Venus may still have potential to host life, indicates new study.
Wednesday, 23rd June 2021
The new research shows that Venus remains geologically active and can still be receptive. The researchers analyzed the data from the surface of Venus that showed evidence of tectonic movement pushed together. A study published in the magazine Magazine Magazine for National Science Academy stated that it was not seen anywhere in our solar system, except the interior of the Earth. Tectonics is a great movement of plates that make up the internal surface of the Earth.
The researchers analyzed the radar images of the Magellane Mission of NASA and mapped the surface of Venus showing great blocks of the lithosphere. The team created a modified computer model and a slow-motion discovered that it is similar in tectonic style on Earth.
The new technology could characterize the deformation of the surface that indicates that there is a large block structure in the mother lithosphere. "These observations are in the same way that they are happening on Earth, and the internal exercise teaches that the deformation of the surface of Venus is driven. The tectonics of the plate on Earth is driven by the convection of the mantle. The mantle is cold and cold in several places, movement, and part of that movement moves to the surface of the land in the form of plaque movement, "Principal Author Paul Byrne, Paul Byrne, professor at the State University of North Carolina of Planetarium Science of the State University.
Statement Unlike the TEConices of the current land plate, there are thermochanges and melted products in Venus. According to the author of the study, the tectonic movement identified by Venes is among the appointment From Eon de Archean 2.5 is similar to geology. From Earth. 400 million years ago, we are driven by internal movement as on Earth. " Byrne is expressed on the surface of the added planet.
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