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Wednesday, 8th September 2021
After Nand Kumar Bagr's arrest, Chhattisgarh's Chief Minister Bupes Bagr said "In my government, there is not a person who can be above the law, even if he is the father of the 86-year-old Chief Minister.”
Chhattisgarh the father of Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel, Nand Kumar Baghel, was arrested today and detained for 15 days on suspicion of making disparaging remarks against Brahman His lawyer said he did not request bail and will appear in court on September 21.
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After his father was indicted last week, the Chief Minister emphasized that he would not receive any special treatment.
"In front of my government, no one can be above the law, even if he is the 86-year-old father of the Chief Minister. As Chief Minister, I have a responsibility to maintain harmony between the different communities. Sorry if you comment on the community. Legal action will be taken, "Bhupesh Baghel told reporters on Sunday.
"Everyone knows the ideological differences between my father and me. Our political thoughts and beliefs are different. I respect him as his son, but as the prime minister, I cannot forgive him for disturbing public order.
Mr. Bagger also emphasized that the Chhattisgarh government "respects all religions, castes and communities and their emotions." He emphasized his point on Twitter.
During his most recent visit to Uttar Pradesh, Baghel's father led a vote-raising group and was a well-known voice of the CBO. Controversially, he called for a "boycott" of the Brahmins, described them as foreigners, and urged people not to let them enter his village.
"The Brahmins will be sent from the Ganges to the Volga. They are foreigners. They think we are untouchable and they take away all our rights. "I will warn the villagers not to let the Brahmins enter their villages," Nande Kumarbagr said. He is known for his opposition to the upper caste views, and his writings were banned by the then congressional government in 2000.
Following the appearance of video comments, FIR was recorded in Raipur on Saturday night in Sarv Brahmin Samaj's complaint against Baghel's seniors. The allegations in the complaint included "inciting hostility between groups."
The Opposition People's Party in Chhattisgarh put pressure on the Chief Minister to demand "VIP treatment". The source said that his arrest in Raipur avoided any problems Bagher encountered in the UP poll, and the community has urged Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath to take action.
For Baghel, the family drama took place a few days after he apparently defeated his internal competitor, TK Singh Deo, who claimed that his position stated that the leadership of Congress had ensured that he received the position of rotating chief minister. Mr. Singh Deo claimed that Mr. Baghel's half semester was over and it was his turn now. As the two leaders rush to Delhi for a meeting, the dispute may snowball to Congress.
Mr. Baghel refused to accept any leadership changes and made it clear to his party boss that most people in MLA were on his side. According to reports, after a series of meetings in Delhi, Rahul Gandhi told Bagr that he would keep his job.
The News Talkie Bureau