Aarogya Setu: yet another COVID 19 App is here

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Aarogya Setu: yet another COVID 19 App is here

Your path to Aarogyam

Friday, 3rd April 2020

We are living in the age of Smart Phones where apps are widely used for almost anything right from food ordering to bill payments, from online shopping to booking a service and more. Therefore, it is no wonder that in the current COVID-19 crisis apps will play a dominant role.


 ‘Aarogya Setu’, an app newly launched by Government of India is an incredible app that can inform people about the best ways to fight the Coronavirus and stop it from spreading. The application is a product of the National Informatics centre which is governed by the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology.


 Aarogya Setu in Sanskrit means ‘A bridge of sound health’. This Coranavirus-related tracker app is indeed a ‘bridge’ that can guard you against the deadly virus and take you to your best ‘health’. The key function of the app is to tell people if they are at a risk of getting the COVID-19 Infection or not…the app does so by critically checking their range of contacts to find out if they have been in touch with a COVID-19 infected person whether knowingly or unknowingly.


The key features & attributes of the app are:

  • The app is iOS & Android compatible
  • The app supports 11 different languages among which English & Hindi are definitely there
  • The app needs Location Access as well as Bluetooth to function
  • The app pulls on the governmental database of COVID-19 infected people in order to inform you of your chances of getting infected.
  • For using the app, you need to sign up first
  • Also, the app is equipped with standard security and encryption technology to protect your privacy



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