Stay home, stay safe
Thursday, 9th April 2020
The outbreak of the deadly COVID-19 Virus has put the entire world in a fix. Reports say that the virus has already spread to 209 countries across the globe with 1, 057, 534 active cases till date and current death toll of 392, 864. WHO has described the outbreak as a ‘global pandemic’ and has given us a long list of ‘Do’s and Don’ts’ to keep the virus away.
But one thing agreed upon by common critical consensus is that immunity matters a lot in helping one fight COVID-19. Patients who got cured were mostly young people with strong immunity power. Kids with under-developed immunity and the aged with low immunity are the most vulnerable groups…even patients with underlying health conditions like Diabetes, Cardiac issues, Respiratory issues like asthma are vulnerable to the attack of the Coronavirus.
So, immunity plays a vital role in prevention of COVID-19 or any other type of infection. Immunity power may be defined as the natural power of your body to fight pathogens, and eliminate them from the system. If you have strong immunity power you can fight any and every infection with ease.
Apart from following the hygiene instructions and social distancing, you should also try out measures to boost your immune system…India, being a land of Ayurveda, can unlock for you a plethora of Ayurvedic herbs and simple home remedies through which you can boost your immunity power in the most significant way. Read on to learn more:
We all know about the Ayurvedic ‘Kadha’ for sure. You must have taken gallons of it in your childhood. It is the traditional home remedy for keeping cold and flu at bay. Kadha is a powerful concoction of few easily available Ayurvedic ingredients like Adrak (Ginger), Tulsi (Holy Basil), Haldi (Turmeric), Shahad (Honey), Kali mirch (Black pepper corns), Laung (Clove), Ajwain (Carom seeds)and nimbu ka ras (lemon juice). Drinking few cups of warm Kadha daily can keep all pathogens away from you and strengthen your immune system like anything.
Coconut oil
The Lauric Acid present in Coconut Oil is anti-viral in nature. Using coconut oil generously in everyday diet could help you keep the present health threat of Coronavirus at bay. So, use coconut oil as your cooking oil and also use it in your chutneys, pickles and your salad dressings too!
Lemon zest
Lemon zest or the raw peel of lemon is high in Vitamin C. You could get 125 mg of Vitamin C from about 100 gm of lemon peel. Vitamin C acts as an amazing immunity booster. The lemon peel also contains other beneficial compounds like Q40, Salvestrol, and Limonene. You could substitute the use of Aamchur powder in your dishes with lemon peel powder. Also, you could drink lemon peel tea daily. And, why forget the quintessential lemon pickle that consists of whole lemon fruit with peels on, dipped deep in spiced oil?