Lockdown 4.0 announced: A list of activities that will be allowed

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Lockdown 4.0 announced: A list of activities that will be allowed

Nationwide lockdown until 31st of May

Monday, 18th May 2020

Lockdown 4.0 has been announced until May 31st by the government, on Sunday. But there will be more relaxations given in all activities excluding those which are entirely prohibited across the nation. The full list has been shared. Read on:


Activities that will remain shut/prohibited:

  • Domestic and international air travel
  • Metro rail services
  • Educational institutions
  • Hotels, pubs and restaurants
  • Theatres and shopping malls
  • Gyms and fitness centers
  • Swimming pools and sports clubs
  • Social, religious, political and cultural gatherings


Things to note:

  • People are allowed to travel with special permission in case of medical, security or other emergency purposes.
  • The kitchens can operate for take-away and home delivery services.
  • Stadiums can reopen without allowing spectators.
  • Weddings can go on with maximum of 50 invitees. Funerals can take place with not more than 20 attendees.
  • People can move around from 7 am to 7 pm only. After 7 pm, people will not be allowed to move around except for emergency services.


Activities that will be reopened:

  • Inter-state travel will be allowed if both the states agree upon the same.
  • Offices can be reopened with full capacity. However, the government suggests encouraging work from home as of now.


The government has declared that the states and Union Territories can decide if some activities need to be closed in some areas. They have also been given power to define red, orange, green, containment and buffer zones and allow the activities accordingly. However, the activities in containment zones will be strictly restricted.


In the new guidelines for lockdown 4.0, taxis, rickshaws, salons, barber shops, public transport (excluding metro) and e-commerce can be reopened if the state/UT decides to do the same.



Source: India Today



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